Cook Islands Dance Is a Poem

Cook Islands Dance Is a Poem

The Cook Islands traditional dance captures its audience with different gestures reflecting the natural landscape such as the ocean and birds and flowers. However, it will also make you feel so much emotions like excitement, love or sadness.

While men and women participate in the dance, women are the most common dancers. They wear coconut bras, grass skirts made from beach hibiscus which has been dried, stripped and dyed and decorated with flowers, shells, feathers and seeds and decorated head bands.

 The Cook Islands song dance is a Maori sacred ritual usually performed by a female who tells a tale with her body while moving her hips, hands, and feet. Compared to other dance styles, this dance is slightly more "hands-on."

It's a poem, song, and movement all in one—a real Maori triple threat!

There are three distinct components in a Cook Islands dance; the ura pa'u (drum dances), korero (legends) and kaparima (action songs).

The Cook Islands dance is mesmerising, even though you may lose calories just watching.

The Cook Islands dancers are a fascinating and energetic mix of tradition and modernity. Their bra-busting grass skirts flutter above and below their sculpted thighs as they gleefully battle to the music.

If you want to experience a mesmerising display of athleticism, book us now, because these fast dances are not just for show.

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